Friday, November 12, 2010

Day 5...Dadgum teachers lounge

I have discovered if you are ever trying to eat healthy DON'T GO NEAR THE TEACHERS LOUNGE!!!! I went in there today and I was literally surrounded by 10 boxes of pizza. If that wasn't enough there was also people next to me eating burgers and fries, steak, sweet potatoes, and even more PIZZA!!! I was proud of myself though I stood my ground and promptly went back to my room and ate my salad!! I am not in the least bit mad at those people for eating those things but man I so wanted to be them for that few minutes. I just have to remember to stay the course...

Day Four...what in the world??!!!

Day four and people are starting to notice at my work that I am not eating my normal things. People are beginning to ask questions but I am surprisingly hesitant to talk about it. I don't know if its because I feel they will laugh at me, make fun of me, or because this is very personal. Whenever someone asks me about what am I eating I just tell them whats going on and point them to the internet or the 2 books I referenced earlier. In some strange way I almost feel like a scared Christian who is hesitant to share Christ with someone who has asked. I know that is a weird comparison but that is truly how I feel right now. Day four has been the first day I noticed something while eating this way. NO HEADACHES!!! Man caffeine and carbs had a strong hold on me but I think I am over the hump. I am actually beginning to look forward to the foods I am eating. I even ate a salad today with NO natural dressing. I actually didn't intend to do this but I forgot my dressing at home (shocking I know) so I thought why not try it dry? It actually wasn't that bad! I don't even know myself anymore! On a more personal note I am still worried about my blood sugar because it has not gone down. I am not too discouraged however because I am still fighting a major infection in my legs (cellulitis) so I am staying the course. Stay Strong or as one of my heroes always says LIVE STRONG!!!!!!

Day I feel like crap!!!

Ok I thought this way of eating was suppose to make me feel better so how do I feel worse and I am so cranky??? WELL OBVIOUSLY it's because I haven't had ANY caffeine, sugar, carbs, in three days. I have found I am really cranky and man being a school teacher is not good when you are cranky and can snap at any moment. I found myself having to step out in the hall between classes and just not speak to anyone so I could recollect myself. I picked up my wife and son from the airport and I was THRILLED to see them back home. However she quickly learned I was not in a great mood with this new way of eating and it was going to be a REAL challenge! Man I really really hope these headaches go away soon because they are not fun. I have been dragging all day and I am oh so ready for bed! After a rough day however I still made it and day 3 is in the books. I didn't quit which may not sound like much to you but that is a HUGE deal for me. I give into food temptation easily which might be how I got in this poor of shape in the first place!!!

Day Two...what have I gotten myself into

Day two started out ok but I realized two things very quickly. I am staying at my parents house right now because my wife and child are visiting her mother so it gets kind of lonely. I realized that I gravitate towards the smell of coffee in the morning and it smells even better when you have quit caffeine for right now! Man I wanted that caffeine bad but I stayed strong and grabbed my fruit and water and headed out the door. Lunch wasn't too bad I had a big salad and was surprised at how full I was after. My lunch used to consist of at least 2 sandwiches, a bag of chips, at least 2 or 3 snacks. I would also usually have a HUGE Diet DP w/cherry and vanilla from sonic and man do I miss that!!! I have been reading two books today titled the PH Miracle for Diabetics, and the Raw Food Detox Diet. Both books I highly recommend but prepare yourself to be offended and shocked at all the things we have been putting in our bodies that are incredibly harmful to us!! I was fine today until I went with my mother to run errands and she took FOREVER inside Michaels and I sat in the parking lot smelling all of the restaurants around! Man by the time she got back to the car I was cranky and ready to kill this raw food idea! Thankfully I came to my senses and went back to the house and had a huge salad and was AGAIN stunned at how full I was after eating that salad. I also noted today how much less food I have been eating while on this way of life. It amazes me how full you can stay on fruits, veggies, and nuts alone! I was very happy to go to bed tonight not having to think about food anymore until I woke up. It has become an all consuming thought.

Day One are you stinking kidding me?

Today is the first day of a journey for me. Just FYI this blog in nature is going to be pretty personal and is mainly for my thoughts. You are more than welcome to follow along and see whats going on but if you are looking for sports opinions, talk about the weather or current events you probably are looking in the wrong place. This blog is about one mans journey to find health and weight loss. After 33 years of painful searching I realized health and weight loss don't come easy nor do they come in a pill, bottle, fad diet, etc. I have started this journey of eating an ALL raw food diet consisting of vegetables and fruit only for at least two weeks. I realize two weeks doesn't seem that long and I may go longer from there but I would encourage you to try it if you think it's so easy :-)!!!! It has been a huge challenge for me today because I tend to dwell on the things I am NOT eating rather than the things I get to enjoy. I miss carbs, I miss caffeine, I miss all of the other things. However I am strongly committed to a healthier lifestyle and see where this takes me.